Synthesis and Stakeholder Workshop 2018

On 31st of July to 2nd  of August, scientists and stakeholders gathered to participate in our workshops on projects ECOLOC and TICAS in Haikou, China.

On this page, you can find the workshop reports as well as presentations and posters.

Workshop photos: are available here

Workshop reports

Synthesis Workshop report (pdf)

Stakeholder Workshop report (pdf)


Session “Input and Threats”

Larissa Dsikowitzky, Jan Schwarzbauer: Emerging organic pollutants in China. Spatial distribution of source-specific molecular indicators to trace the pollution of a tropical coastal ecosystem. (pdf)

Lars Möller. Impact of aquacultures on their bacterial communities and surrounding coastal systems, with focus on potentially pathogenic Vibrios. (pdf)

Li Ping, Diao Xiaoping: The composition of microbial community in the sediments of Bamen Bay. (pdf)

Zhu-Hua Luo, Wei Xu,Ming-Liang Chen, Li-Xing Huang: Influence of environmental factors on bacterial community and Vibrio pathogenicity in a costal aquaculture system. (pdf)

Session “Dynamics and Dispersal”

Jian Su, Bernhard Mayer, Thomas Pohlmann, Dongfeng Xu, Xinping Chen: Hydrodynamic modelling activities and related tracer studies in ECOLOC: The impact of sea level rise on the flushing time of back-reef lagoons: a tracer model experiment. (pdf)

Dongfeng Xu, Chenghao Yang, Jun Wang, Jianfang Chen, Mingquan Xu: The slope current and the Diel Vertical Migration of zooplankton and micronekton in the northern slope of the South China Sea observed by a moored ADCP. (pdf)

Session “Response and Mitigation”

Esther Thomsen, Lucia S. Herbeck, Tim C. Jennerjahn: Response of seagrasses to aquaculture effluents and the filtering capacity of seagrass meadows for anthropogenic nutrients and organic matter. (pdf)

Inga Nordhaus, Robert Boumis, Marlene Cordts, Valérie Einwächter, Marvin Schäfer, Nan Xiang: Diversity and community composition of Hainan’s coastal benthic invertebrates related to the dispersal of land-derived pollutants. (pdf)

Li Xiubao: The responses of reef benthic substrates and coral communities to anthropogenic disturbances in Wuzhizhou Island, the South China Sea: driving factors and protection strategies. (pdf)

Wang Daoru: The Coral Reef and Seagrass Ecosystem in Hainan – Status, Challenge and Prospective. (pdf)

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